Monday, February 7, 2011


We arrived in Paris, France to very cold, snowy conditions. We took a train, subway and walked with 50 lbs. of luggage to our hotel in the old town district. It was very early in the morning and the hotel could not let us check in, but we were able to leave our luggage there. We staggered around finding something to eat and drink until the we could get our room and sleep.

It took a couple of days to get over the jet lag, taking naps in the afternoon was the norm. The food was incredible and everything was pretty great except for the cold. We brought layers of clothing and it was not warm enough with all of them on. We were able to sight see and the highlight for me was the Louvre.

We took the bullet train to Montpelier where John was scheduled to have French Lessons. I took advantage of this time to paint and explore. We had a one bedroom apartment and I was able to cook as well! France has the most incredible food and beautiful buildings! The day we left Montpelier, we jumped on a bus to the Mediterranean Sea. It wasn't far and it was totally worth the effort to experience it! We took the Bullet Train back to Paris, stayed at a hotel next to the airport, it was not a good experience.

The next day we were on our way to Kenya....

Currency: Euros (EUR) $1 USD = $.75 EUR

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